Off Trail
2nd July - 24th July 2020
Off Trail invites seven artists to consider our relationship with wild space, how boundaries separate urban from wild, and what it means when this separation is blurred or these boundaries crossed.
Hiking trails create unusual ways of viewing landscapes by forming invisible borders around it’s perimeter, allowing hikers to differentiate themselves from wilderness
Throughout Off Trail, the works are anchored to their relationship with a hiking trail that meanders through the gallery. The trail echoes its real-life counterparts found in National parks, forests, and public lands. Trails simultaneously act as a border and interruption into wild spaces; they become a part of the landscape whilst providing a sense of urban familiarity. The exhibition considers the role trails have in separating private from public, promoting conservation, and in creating an experience of wilderness.
Hikers will discover a variety of artwork surrounding the perimeter of the trail, often leaving the hikers with a choice to venture off trail to view works in detail, or to stay on trail and view the work from afar.
The work on display attempts to form a discussion around the ways in which we perceive these boundaries. They explore notions such as the impact of cinema, fictions, and technology’s role on the way we interact with space, the parallels between physical and invisible borders, and the sensation of encountering animals on trails; a space intended for, and constructed by, humans.
Selected artists: Lydia Brockless, Sam Carvosso, Cara Despain, Richard Hughes, Angus McCrum, Snyder Moreno Martin, Rebecca Moss. Curated by Sam Carvosso.