Magnified Measurements
By Ian Vines
17 March – 22 April 2023
Wed-Fri 11-5
Sat 12-5

Responding to the context of the Micro Gallery, this exhibition plays with space and scale. In some works, there is a dialogue between photographic images and objects or materials, pictorial space and real space, illusion and reality. Photographs are also rotated or inverted, resulting in different viewpoints. Everyday objects, such as rulers or magnifying glasses, promise precision, but also distort and deceive.
An information sheet is available in the gallery, exploring how artists have developed all sorts of visual trickery.
After studying fine art, Ian Vines worked in museums and galleries, organising exhibitions, residencies and commissions. More recently, he has concentrated on developing his own work. This has been exhibited nationally and internationally, including various venues in the Northwest. He was also part of bOlder, a Castlefield Gallery/GMCA visual art talent programme for artists across Greater Manchester.
Instagram: @vines.ian